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Point Totals

1st Tristram 610.5
2nd Mackintosh 601
3rd Langhorne 576.5
4th Greenlees 538

Latest Results

Event Winner House
Senior Mixed 4 x 300m Relay Langhorne Langhorne
Middle Mixed 4 x 300m Relay Mackintosh Mackintosh
Junior Mixed 4 x 300m Relay Tristram Tristram
Senior Boys 4 x 100 m Relay Mackintosh Mackintosh
Senior Girls 4 x 100 m Relay Greenlees Greenlees
Middle Boys 4 x 100m Relay Tristram Tristram
Junior Girls 4 x 100m Relay Tristram Tristram
Middle Girls 4 x 100m Relay Greenlees Greenlees
Junior Boys 4 x 100m Relay Tristram Tristram
Senior Boys 800m Struan Langhorne
Senior Girls 800m Flora M Tristram
Middle Boys 800m Howie A Mackintosh